Hi there 👋 , I’m Sarah.

I’ve found my way to some amazing work, pursuing big, novel ideas, and with the support of great people, teams, and companies, I’ve loved every minute of it.

  • I built HubSpot’s first Academy when Academies weren’t a thing.
  • I built HubSpot’s first LMS, when LMS’ weren’t a thing. 
  • I built Compt way before “The Great Resignation” when people were just starting to realize the importance of treating employees well (employee benefits as a differentiator).
  • I launched my coaching and consulting career to bring those novel experiences to more companies and organizations.

It’s now my mission to help people live their best lives. I do that by supporting others in acquiring knowledge, gaining greater work/life/self-awareness, and feeling deeply connected to themselves and their purpose.

My writing & thoughts are featured in:

Read more of my content on Medium.

Academy Advising Offerings:

Shorten your learning curve, and grow faster and smarter.

Education Initiatives: Want help launching & scaling your educational initiative? Learn more.

Coaching Offerings:

Professional & personal coaching support: Schedule a complimentary session to discuss your goals and experience a taste of what coaching can do for you.

Where my clients have worked: