Trying to improve your public speaking skills? How about your ability to craft a compelling and persuasive story? Or maybe you’re looking to simply beef up your elocution skills so you can feel comfortable speaking in a large meeting.

Whatever your need – there’s a blog for that. And here I’ve brought together some of the best blogs out there on public speaking.

And the blogs are …

1. Public Words

It’s might just be me, but the content that I regularly receive in my inbox is always fantastic and incredibly timely. As our HubSpot Academy team at work decide to focus our efforts on effective vocal communication, I get an article titled “What voice should you use?

Nick Morgan, the president and founder of Public Words is the one who contributes to the blog on a regular basis – and has even written a book titled Power Cues: The Subtle Science of Leading Groups, Persuading Others and Maximizing Your Personal Impact.


2. Six Minutes

Don’t let the less than sexy design distract you. The content here is pretty good and is read by folks of all kinds – those who are looking to improve the basics like eye contact and using our voice as a tool, those looking to find out the best book for their need (he has tons of public speaking book reviews), those looking to review TED speeches and see critiques and even tips for folks who are getting started with Toastmasters.

Read the content and try to apply his tips and concepts to your own presentations. One thing is clear, this blog is compromised of content from someone that eats their own dog food.

3. Big Fish Communication

The founders have one goal, and that’s to rid the world of terrible presentations. They have their own formula for successful presentations too – and that’s what is mostly comprised of on their blog. They work with a lot of folks helping them to create presentations that stick and what they learn is often what they take to their blog. They have content on the following topics:

 They don’t create content as often as some folks may like (meaning me) but it’s pretty great when they do.

4. Dr Michelle Mazur

I am a huge fan of this blog. The content is thoughtful and Michelle writes about topics that people actually want to read and writes them in a way that people actually are able to understand.

She is consistent (somebody has a good editorial calendar set up) and her content is written for the reader. One of my favorite things about this blog, she writes about things that many people don’t know about (real tips from an expert communicator) and also writes about topics that are slightly controversial. She seems to be aiming toward helping everybody learn how to better craft their message and then tell it with passion and precision. Here are some of my favorite posts from her blog:

5. Speaking about Presenting

While the blog doesn’t seem to be updated regularly, the content on it is great. She seems to have somewhat of a more formulaic approach in that she talks about mind mapping, average attention spans and even flow.  These are the more comprehensive types of blog posts that I enjoy reading. The reason for this is because it’s not just the information about a”body language tip” or a “how to make something stick” suggestions, but also the research behind these claims.

Some common pieces of content from the blog:

6. Presentation Zen

Author of Presentation Zen and The Naked Presentation, Garr Reynolds, hosts many of his communication and presentation tips here on this blog. A lot of the content is thoughtful and it is evident Garr has a passion for what he’s covering. He pays homage to the newbies out there all the way to the experts by covering a wide range of content like the following, but nothing too comprehensive:

And beyond the presentation/public speaking blogging world:

If you’re really serious about this public speaking thing, then there are other tons of other options beyond blogs to read as well:

Want an even more comprehensive list of the top blogs public speaking blogs out there online? Check out the 118 person list on the 6minutes blog or

7 Responses

  1. Sarah! Thank you so much for including me on this list. You’re right have a great editorial calendar is key. I’m been winging it a bit lately, but I’m about to get back on track writing posts ahead of time.

  2. Sarah, Thank you for providing suggestions on the best blogs that divulge in wonderful tips on speaking publicly. The first suggestion you listed, Public Words, is a blog that I already follow, as well as Presentation Zen, but this is my first time reading any of the other blogs you listed. I look forward to reading more of their work. Which blog is your current favorite?

  3. Public speaking requires confidence and a willingness to speak. Your blog really points out some interesting ones out there and I must say it really helped me a lot to overcome the fear of speaking.

    I was hesitant in the beginning but practice makes it all worth it.

    For more information you can also visit:

    Thanks and have a great day.

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