Recently, HubSpot all star Rebecca Corliss reached out asking if I wanted to write a blog post. She wanted the focus to be about the different ways customers can improve their search rankings, beyond just the regular talk around on-page SEO.
She knows me so well.
I agreed with the excitement of being able to share content and insights I’ve gathered from the past 3+ years at HubSpot, countless amounts of articles I’ve read, and even the inbound marketing strategies I practice (often here on this blog and my other – the girls guide to beer).
Now, I won’t copy the content for you folks to read here (Google hates duplicate content),  thus if you’d like to check it out, please head over to the original source of content to give it a read. Please note – this article is fairly long and includes a lot of additional resources in which you can read from. I’ve been reading a lot of content from ConversionXL and my favorite part about the content, beyond that it’s really good, is that it’s incredibly comprehensive.
The [HubSpot Customer’s] Ultimate Guide to Improving Search Rankings.
If you have any thoughts – feel free to share them here or there.